Histopathologic changes seen under the light microscope included lymphocyte infiltration of the liver sinusoids, degeneration and necrosis of the hepatic cells, congestion and hemorrhage of the liver, lymphocyte infiltration of the pia mater encephali and capillary blood congestion of the cerebrum. 在光镜下,可见肝窦淋巴细胞浸润,肝细胞变性和坏死,肝脏充血出血,大脑脑软膜淋巴细胞浸润和大脑毛细血管充血。
A case of giant congenital pigmented nevus with malignant melanoma on the pia mater encephali 巨大先天性色素痣伴软脑膜恶性黑素瘤1例